
Power2Drive Conference – Bengaluru

Power2Drive is a strategic electric vehicle & e-mobility summit, organized by TheSmarterE, part of Intersolar, a global leader in solar and renewable energy conferences & exhibitions.

Conference on Business Opportunities in Electric vehicles |50+ Industry Experts | Business opportunities along entire value-chain | Parallel EV exhibition

Official website – Link

Date: 28th and 29th November 2019 

Venue: Bangalore International Exhibition Centre

The two-day conference is structured to deliver practical and strategic insights on business opportunities along the entire EV value chain – from motor sub-components to batteries to charging stations and emerging opportunities in a range of electric vehicle sectors. To drive these results, the event is designed on appropriate themes and comprises relevant experts from the industry who will share their insights. In addition, the event design will facilitate optimal interactions between relevant stakeholders through detailed and customised networking sessions.

Send a note to sai@eai.in or call or WhatsApp +91-8790693893

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